Our Story

Our mission is to change the way families view and manage health to eliminate the unnecessary suffering and health challenges in our community. We believe that the body is self healing and that true health comes from within. Therefore, we take pride in only offering the highest level of natural health care. When you choose chiropractic care as your first health choice, you will be able to avoid expensive drugs and medication while still living the healthy life that you deserve. All of our patients get our individual personal attention and we take pride in making sure that they get the service that they desire. Drs. Tim and Catherine Smith have been changing lives in the local community and serving the needs of all those in need through volunteer work and outreach clinics. We understand that there are people who are in desperate need of quality health care that would otherwise not have access to the services we offer in the office. As a result of working with the multiple community organizations the doctors were inspired to create an opportunity in our primary health care clinic for all who need care through the Hands For Life Organization. We are excited to bring this level of health education, natural resources and chiropractic care to more in the community who need our help.

Our Mission

To create a natural avenue for the underserved, financial hard-shipped population throughout the world to regain their health through:

  1. Chiropractic care creating an efficiently running nervous system,
  2. Accessible clean water and healthy food,
  3. The opportunity to have a superior education so that each person can reach their god given potential and create a healthier world tomorrow.

Our Purpose

Hands For Life is a non profit 501(c)3 that prides itself on looking for the “greater good” within each individual on God’s planet.  We understand there may be a divide that separates people based on culture, ethnicity, race, etc., and Hands For Life sees these difference’s as reasons to unite as one!  Just like a rainbow has different colors, those colors makes up its inherent beauty.  HFL sees the same inherent beauty within all people on our planet.   Our differences and individual  uniqueness’ make our world more exciting, more educational and more real.  Hands For Life is dedicated to creating a healthier world while honoring the differences amongst us.  We travel the globe to touch lives and educate  people about health.  Through chiropractic and a natural lifestyle, along with water, food and education, Hands For Life sees its role as a facilitator to unleash the God given potential residing within each person.  Sustainability, empowerment, better health and self sufficiency are what we leave behind after we touch so many.  Our goal is simple: to make sure every man, woman and child have a high functioning nerve system, enough food and water for great nutrition, and an education so they can read, write,  and have the basic skills so they can thrive and thus make a better contribution to the world.

Our Team

We’re a family of chiropractors serving to make the world a healthier, more connected place. Our team understands the disparity in healthcare across the globe. There are some communities with access to excellent chiropractic care. There are other groups of people who have no way of receiving the benefit of chiropractic care. Our team came together to try and shrink the gap between the “haves” and the “have not’s”.

A magna cum laude graduate of Life Chiropractic College West where he specialized in spinal correction, extremity management, neuro-muscular education, nutrition and neurology. Dr. Tim is a Maximized Living doctor highly trained in delivering the 5 Essentials of health. He is certified in nutrition, fitness, detoxification and advanced spinal correction with Maximized Living and continues to travel around the country to learn all of the latest techniques and research within the chiropractic profession. As a member of the Wellness Advisory Council, the official chiropractic and performance team for USA weightlifting, judo, wrestling, martial arts and sitting volleyball; Dr. Tim brings Olympic level care to the community of Placer County. Armed with the latest research and training, Dr. Tim speaks throughout the community helping people regain their health with the 5 Essentials. Dr. Tim Smith

President/Board Member

Graduated from Palmer West Chiropractic College with a passion to serve. She has always dreamed of a profession that would allow her to serve and help people achieve optimal health. She graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Fitness, Nutrition and Health. She altered her Pre-med and personal training direction to becoming a Chiropractor after working as a Chiropractic Assistant for a year. She is experienced in treating individuals from birth to elderly and has had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of athletes, while serving as a member of the Palmer West Sports Council. She has sat for hundreds of hours of courses in Corrective Spinal Care, Rehabilitation, Nutrition, Detoxification and Exercise. As a mother and avid athlete, Dr. Catherine’s goal is to always provide exceptional care to her patients. Dr. Catherine De Lipski Smith

Secretary/Treasurer/Board Member

I do what I love and I love what I do. I am from Boise ID and that is HOME. I am a passionate person about everything that I do. I was born to be a chiropractor and I am going to be one of the best. I love dogs and most of all I love my dog DIO. I am optimistic/excited about my life and where it is going. I am part of a team of doctors that change lives every day. Chiropractic is the biggest piece of the puzzle but not the only one. We could adjust youeveryday but if you hate your life, eat garbage, and stress about everything, you will never be healthy… We incorporate nutrition, exercise, cellular detox, and mental excellence lectures with all our POWERFUL adjustments. The bottom line is this; The power that made the body heals the body. This power does not need any help, just no interference. We remove interference… some will call this power God, you can call it whatever you want. I am part of Hands for Life to help bring this principle and this mission to the world because everyone deserves to be healthy and live well. Steven Baker

Board Member

My name is Cosette and I’ve been with New Life Chiropractic since December of 2015. Before working at the office, I knew nothing about Chiropractic and the benefit of adjustments. Also, I had never heard of subluxation and the devastating results it has on your body.
When I learned about corrective care here at New Life Chiropractic with Maximized Living’s 5 essentials, I was floored and I knew it was the right place for me. Since working here I have continually learned so much every day. I get to see the wonderful changes people have been making because of the work we do.
Seeing children, families and all dedicated individuals grow in health has made my job absolutely rewarding. My first ever chiropractic adjustments were here with Dr. Tim and Dr. Catherine. Since then I know I will never live life away from chiropractic care and hope to see our mission reach the homes of more and more until Chiropractic care is the average lifestyle for everyone!
Cosette Spencer

Board Member

My name is Whitney and I have been with New Life Chiropractic since moving to Rocklin in November 2016. I had been intently searching for an office and mission to serve in for several years, having known about the benefit of Chiropractic care since I was a young girl, and am beyond blessed to be working alongside Dr. Tim and Dr. Catherine with their leadership and level of compassion for the community.

Before starting care under Dr. Tim, my body had progressed to such a degenerated stage of dysfunction that I was living in constant chronic pain and making frequent trips to the emergency room looking for relief and answers that I just wasn’t getting. My quality of life as a result of my digestive system shutting down had caused me to lose all hope that I could ever recover and get back the vitality and function I once had. Within just weeks of corrective care, I had completely healed from the inside out, regained momentum and am seeing continued improvement in every area of my health still to this day! I will be forever grateful for the life I have now because of Dr. Tim’s care.

Watching lives like mine change every day in our office has been such a rewarding and fulfilling journey, and I look forward to continuing to invest in other’s health & wellness goals, teaching about the principle of Chiropractic care and our body’s amazing ability to heal itself when we remove the interference of subluxation. Together, I know we can reach more with our message and impact the way people view and manage their health and as your wellness coordinator I am dedicated by starting with you and your families! Trust the process, and let’s get to work!
Whitney Mello

Board Member